Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Bubs no longer on the run....
We and our dogs have made it HOME!!!!
26 nights on the run...
16 stops...
8 states...
RV: $5K
Gas for trip: $2K
Fun on the run...PRICELESS!
26 nights on the run...
16 stops...
8 states...
RV: $5K
Gas for trip: $2K
Fun on the run...PRICELESS!
Turtle Beach Fish Camp
Snow Flower - CALIFORNIA
Our first stop back in the foreign country of California (as we were often reminded on our trip) was about an hour south of Reno, up the the mountians (alt 8000+) in the "Tahoe area."
Here is a giant sequioa which we camped near.
That's a lotta fire wood - but it was too dry - no campfires!
Kimberly's Mon and dad met us at the camp. It was great to be back in "our country."
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Crossing the Great Salt Desert!
Hey am I spelling desert right?
This is the Bonneville Salt Flats and - I just set the land speed record...
In a land ship... Anyone have any french fries and ketchup????????
I have to admit - walking on the salt looked so much like ice I thought I would fall through. But I would float really good in that salty of water, right?
PS, it was a hundred million degrees hot so it wasn't ice but my mind is twisted I guess.
430 miles - 8 hours - three states on a Sunday
This is the view looking west from our camp site.
We left Evanston WY and blew through Utah and crossed half of Nevada, landing here at Winnemucca. Its a high desert.
We are about 31/2 hours from our next stop which is in CALIFORNIA!
Because of the time change (from mountian to pacific) we got a free hour to stop at a casino and have a brunch buffet in West Wendover. (Wendover is in Utah but West Wedndover is in Nevada! Yeah, casinos means buffets...
Evanston, the last stop in Wyoming
We stopped for one night just outside of Utah or just inside Wyoming (a state we spent a great deal of time driving through).
We were treated to a free concert of Sara Evans and Danny Gokely (of American Idol, from Milwaukee, yeah hey der). They were at the county fair/outdoor rodeo set up for a concert and the RV park was two blocks away so when the wind blew right - it was heaven.
Then the lighting postponed the show and cut Danny's show short.
Before that, we even had time to explore historic Evanston. Everything in Wyoming is historic...
Fort Bridger (the original) at Ft. Bridger WY
So a mountian man named Jim Bridger first built this stockaded fort and then the US took it and built a new one, then the Mormons occupied it, and then the US took it over and built more stuff on it.
This was the intersection of the California, Mormon and Oregon Trails.
It was an old fort and then a new fort (almost as old) and then the US army gave it up early in the 1900's.
This is a picture looking into the open gates of the original wooden fort
Granger Stage Coach Station
a drainage pool in gasland
This shot is out of the window as we are on the run, but it is clearly a water pool associated with gas production. Full of heval metals and other toxins they are not required to mediate.
We need natual gas - sure we add the smell, but its natural...
Watch Gasland and it'll change your mind about how clean gas is.
Have you seen "Gasland"?
There is a documentary just out called "Gasland" about the run away and toxic production of natural gas across America.
This is from the road and they are the tell tale signs of gas production.
Like gnus dotting the Masai Mara - there are these facitlites all over Wyoming. In state land, BLM land, everywhere there are few people.
Hey its a "tiny footprint." But it fouls the water, air, land, people's lives...
Greatest Golf Game of My LIFE (so far)
I pared (got par) on the first five holes - never done that in my life and then - I'm not lying - I birdied the sixth and then eighth. I blew a couple of shots out of bounds but I took a few mulligans and by 11 I was 2 under par. By 16 I was 1 under par and I pared the 17th hole.
I stopped there, of course, because in miniture golf the 18th hole takes your ball and I was playing with my own ball and club. And it was getting dark, so we'll call it 1 under par.
The Greatest game of my Life...
Thoen stone in Deadwood
I first saw it in Spearfish 30 years ago where it was displayed outside across from where it was found by a guy name Thoen.
For whatever reason, this really moved me emotionally when I first saw it. This was one of the things I wanted to see.
Jerry and I were both extras in what was then Spearfish's mega outdoor passion play starring a German guy named Joseph Meyer.
We are everywhere, you know...
Friday, July 30, 2010
On the run with Jack
The road through southern Wyoming (I 80) is strark and beuatiful. Like Arizona with green grass.
Here our buddy Jack checks in on us as we fly by some great scenery.
We saw a sign in Montana that said: "Where regulation grows, freedom dies" Unless you want clean water, safe food, cars, workplaces...
God bless America - Long may she wave...
Greatest BBQ on trip (so far),,,
Lame Gunfight in Cheyenne
We stopped in Cheyenne for Frontier Days and saw a very lame gunfight re-en-embarrasment...
The MC talked for ever and after about twenty minutes he said: "Yesterday we had a gentleman - 80 years old, one of our orgininals and he was out here dieing with all of us."
And I'm thinking if you all don't start shooting each other I'm gonna shoot some one - or leave! So he talked for about another ten minutes and we left...
View of the RV camp from the mine
The Land Ship is further down the hill out of sight but the countryside is just beautiful. The Black Hills are beautiful and truly Historic! (Like everything advertizes itself to be out here).
For a brief period of time, Lead and Deadwood were as far from America as you could be and still be in America.
They are sill worth visiting!
Mine at Whistler's Gulch
The RV camp we stayed in (at Deadwood) was in a gulch and on top of it was a mine closed in the mid 1900's.
The hills are covered with little and big abandoned mines.
The laundry bulding has a sign: "No mining clothes."
There was a trolley bus that takes you all over Deadwood - all the way out to the rodeo!
Truffle Vending Machine
Homestake mine at Lead
Joe meets Gunslinger - with witness!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Big Sky - Big Rain - Lil Landship
Support CrazyHorse!
Mt Rushmore
Clamity Jane's Grave on "Boot Hill"
The cemetary up the hill - which was moved higher up the hill later- is unreal. Everyone is burried about a foot deep and the paupers field has unmarked graves that they can't cut the grass for fear it will let loose a storm of bodies (They just reburied someone who fell down the hill - they knew from his dna he was either Chinese or an Indian - not a white guy - so Indians and Chinese priests were involved)
This was totally worth the seven bucks for the bus trip up the hill.
This is the mainstreet of Deadwood. Wild Bill Hickok gets shot every day at 2, 4, 6 (except Monday).
Gaming has saved this place and no big Harrahs or anything -the whole town - every house, building etc is an historical landmark and can only be rebuilt to its former appearance. Big n Rich are taking a mine and redoing it to a casino and convenvention center, but it has to be a tin covered mine building. Most of the shops and places in downtown have triving businessness in them.
When (my brother) Jerry drove me through Deadwood in 1981 it was nearly a ghost town. Now its a national treasure.
The place is really very cool - I suggest you go there some day. You don't have to gamble or shoot anyone.
Our Fans demand more info...
We have left Deadwood alive and arrived in Wheatland WY in the same manner.
I'm down loading pictures right now - Weatland is one and a half blocks from I25 (north of Cheyenne) but you can't hear or see the interstate. It's half full so we have a great little site. More later...
I'm down loading pictures right now - Weatland is one and a half blocks from I25 (north of Cheyenne) but you can't hear or see the interstate. It's half full so we have a great little site. More later...
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Resting with Buffalo Bill in Cody
Yesterday we mostly rested and did some "house-keeping." we did go out for a great BBQ. I had baby back ribs and spare ribs combo - ain't it all just pork with sauce? It was great. (FYI - Wisconsin needs America to "eat more pork.")
Today we had a low stress day visiting the five museums of the Buffalo Billy Cody Center. The one on him, on the plains indians, on the art of the west, on yellowstone and fire arms (which we all have a right to a flintlock or a match-lock...)
Tomorrow we clear the Big Horn Mountians on the way east to the black hills of SD. We plan on picking up a rental car in Grand Rapids for the four day stay in Deadwood. I bet there wil be another lame fake gun fight, and of course there are casinos so I will do at least one breakfast and one diner buffet. We will keep up informed...
PS so tonite as we ate out super in the Land Ship - there was the Paul Newman movie with him as Buffalo Bill! Encore westerns rocks!!!!
Today we had a low stress day visiting the five museums of the Buffalo Billy Cody Center. The one on him, on the plains indians, on the art of the west, on yellowstone and fire arms (which we all have a right to a flintlock or a match-lock...)
Tomorrow we clear the Big Horn Mountians on the way east to the black hills of SD. We plan on picking up a rental car in Grand Rapids for the four day stay in Deadwood. I bet there wil be another lame fake gun fight, and of course there are casinos so I will do at least one breakfast and one diner buffet. We will keep up informed...
PS so tonite as we ate out super in the Land Ship - there was the Paul Newman movie with him as Buffalo Bill! Encore westerns rocks!!!!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Yellowstone Thermal Pools - part 3
Yellowstone Thermal Pools - part 1
Buffalos on the loose
Yellowstone - Buffalo Near Miss - Part 3
Yellowstone - Buffalo Near Miss - Part 2
Yellowstone - Buffalo Near Miss - Part 1
We had just gotten inside the gate and the traffic was stopped as this buffalo came out of the woods and started walking down the road towards us.
We stopped with all the other cars as we meandered up to us...
He got right in front of our car, started to go accross the road, but instead kept walking right at us...
Cody Night Rodeo
Gunfight at Cody!
Like I said - every night at 6pm in front of the Irma Hotel (built by Cody named after his daughter) there is a gunfight re-creation in the streets with real blanks - smell the blackpowder - feel the bad acting.
And they all signed the poster I bought to help the gunfighters raise money for local charities - each year they raise over $60 grand - not a lot but hey - they are fake gunfighters for gods' sake - give em a break.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
At Cody, WY
We got here to Cody (about an hour east of the park) yesterday afternoon and the RV park (Yellowstone Valley Inn) is really just a parking lot. Our gps wanted us to go through the park (8500 feet pass) but we took an extra half hour and went on the I90 past Bozeman and then took a great more or less flat senic highway south to Cody - hey gps - you do what I say -- not the other way around, buddy...
This place has a pool, hot tub, resturant/bar with Kareoke and shitty food - or is it shitty kareoke and food? Anyway, we are surrounded by some of the most beautiful country you can imagine. The peaks in the distance still have snow on them. We got a renatal car. They picked us up and took us to the airport and let us have a great Subaru all wheel drive. Today we are going into Cody for the fun, the gunfight at 6pm and the rodeo at 8pm - who could ask for more? (I had a beer last night, so I could have more...)
Tomorrow we are planning a hike and picnic in Yellowstone. I hope to get that picture thing worked out here to show you want you are missing, so to speak...
This place has a pool, hot tub, resturant/bar with Kareoke and shitty food - or is it shitty kareoke and food? Anyway, we are surrounded by some of the most beautiful country you can imagine. The peaks in the distance still have snow on them. We got a renatal car. They picked us up and took us to the airport and let us have a great Subaru all wheel drive. Today we are going into Cody for the fun, the gunfight at 6pm and the rodeo at 8pm - who could ask for more? (I had a beer last night, so I could have more...)
Tomorrow we are planning a hike and picnic in Yellowstone. I hope to get that picture thing worked out here to show you want you are missing, so to speak...
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Little Diamond
Just north of Spokane is a great TT camp and we made it after a pretty easy and beautiful ride.
This place is very heavily wooded and at first we did not get TV but then I thought about the first humans to cross this land - our paleo-indian ancestors and what would they do... they had great knowldge of the land and trees and a general understanding of the direction south and I too applied that knowledge and found a place trough the trees to get the cosmic hook up.
This place is like Chehalis or Yosemite of even that lava forrest place (Hat Creek), its about 10 degrees cooler than in Spokane and I could stay here for a while but we must be on the run.
Tomorrow we go to Anaconda, MT after going through the skinny part of Idaho. The next night we will be in Cody Wy - about an hour outside of Yellowstone. We stay there for six days. Then on to Deadwood, SD for five days.
Soon, if we go east enough, we will be out west!
Thanks to those who have signed up as friends - tell all your virtual friends to join us.
This place is very heavily wooded and at first we did not get TV but then I thought about the first humans to cross this land - our paleo-indian ancestors and what would they do... they had great knowldge of the land and trees and a general understanding of the direction south and I too applied that knowledge and found a place trough the trees to get the cosmic hook up.
This place is like Chehalis or Yosemite of even that lava forrest place (Hat Creek), its about 10 degrees cooler than in Spokane and I could stay here for a while but we must be on the run.
Tomorrow we go to Anaconda, MT after going through the skinny part of Idaho. The next night we will be in Cody Wy - about an hour outside of Yellowstone. We stay there for six days. Then on to Deadwood, SD for five days.
Soon, if we go east enough, we will be out west!
Thanks to those who have signed up as friends - tell all your virtual friends to join us.
Crescent Bar WA
So we drove from Chehalis and stopped in two outlet malls and in one had Mongolian BBQ - in the middle of Washington - what a country!
Crescent Bar looks like Arizona - and not the coool sendona part but the butt hot high cliffs, mad made river scrub brush desert and all.
Hot winds, really shittttttttyyyyyy pizza - but it was the only place - litterally - except for the esspresso place which sold drip coffee...
No wifi there but we got TV baby -
Crescent Bar looks like Arizona - and not the coool sendona part but the butt hot high cliffs, mad made river scrub brush desert and all.
Hot winds, really shittttttttyyyyyy pizza - but it was the only place - litterally - except for the esspresso place which sold drip coffee...
No wifi there but we got TV baby -
Chehalis, WA
Just south of the town of the same name there is a thousand trails camp that was our desination. We stopped on the way at the Tillamook cheese factory (in the town of that name) and had grilled cheese and bought enough cheese and cheese related items for the entire trip.
Then we spent an entire hour geting through Portland on their freeway with two lanes - hey what century was that bridge built? Get us outta here...
The Camp is so lush, green, on a hill covered with those tall tress they fill up thier trucks with - there were so many tall trees we could not get satelight. Hey buddy, why haven't you logged that tree in my way????????
This place was one of the original TT camps - inagine in the eighties - no cell phones, no gps, no sat TV... wow...Just like us in Chehalis.
Then we spent an entire hour geting through Portland on their freeway with two lanes - hey what century was that bridge built? Get us outta here...
The Camp is so lush, green, on a hill covered with those tall tress they fill up thier trucks with - there were so many tall trees we could not get satelight. Hey buddy, why haven't you logged that tree in my way????????
This place was one of the original TT camps - inagine in the eighties - no cell phones, no gps, no sat TV... wow...Just like us in Chehalis.
Whaler's Rest
So gentle reader last you heard from us we were in Whaler's Rest. We liked it so much we only blogged once. There was mist, fog along the coast and it looked like smog but smelled better. The place is so lush and green, the trails are thru woods and thick green stuff - not like hiking in California which means walking on hot barren rocks...
We took a bus to Newport and walked the Deco district and historic Bay Street - we had Yaquima(sp?) clams - that's the bay there whatever its name...We saw people claming and guys flash steaming clams and cleaning fish caught by the tourist boat that morning.
We loved Whaler's rest - each site was seperated by beatuiful trees with a little trail behind and we had a fire pit and burned a log - all over here and northern cal - even in yosemite, there are empty and full logging trucks - they seemed to go every way full and empty - what is a log worth do you think? How long to grow to the lebgth of a semi trailer? Just keep logging - send them to some country where they make stuff out of wood...
We took a bus to Newport and walked the Deco district and historic Bay Street - we had Yaquima(sp?) clams - that's the bay there whatever its name...We saw people claming and guys flash steaming clams and cleaning fish caught by the tourist boat that morning.
We loved Whaler's rest - each site was seperated by beatuiful trees with a little trail behind and we had a fire pit and burned a log - all over here and northern cal - even in yosemite, there are empty and full logging trucks - they seemed to go every way full and empty - what is a log worth do you think? How long to grow to the lebgth of a semi trailer? Just keep logging - send them to some country where they make stuff out of wood...
Monday, July 12, 2010
Night Three - Part Two
So I have learned we only get one picture for each post - so this picture is of me setting up at Hat Creek, you can see the majesty of The Land Ship!
But today we drove about eight hours and have arrived on the O Coast - a Thousand Trails place called Whaler's Rest - across the 101 from the ocean. Hey, its cold here. Wow - a big change from Cali, baby... (and I mean you, baby!)
We'll tell you more about this place as we get to know it - we are here for three nights. We need to not be rattled around for a day or so.
So we have learned a few things about GPS: 1., if it wants you to turn around, just keep driving. It will come up with a new plan. 2., our GPS likes to find the smalled, skinniest, least like a road road and send us on it (especially if it is on a mountain top with cliffs and no shoulder or guard rails...yeah, its the shortest route. 3., GPS doesn't know, or won't tell us, if the "road" is in fact a road or something that may be a road if it doesn't rain or an actual interstate. To our GPS, it is all just a line we are supposed to drive on, the GPS doesn't care how good of a road it is - its just a line on a map - to the GPS.
Here's something I noticed while sitting at a small fire I built last night. It doesn't matter if I build a fire, everyone else has already built one so I'm gonna smell like a campfire no matter what. Like going to a bar in the eighties and not smoking. Why bother to deny yourself?
You, know, I still have flashbacks from Disco. I was my generation's Viet Nam. (I have the scars and nightmares, man)
So our dogs don't really like to travel in our RV. I think it shakes too much, makes too much noise and the widows are too high to see out of. Whoever doesn't drive has at least one of them on our lap. Ruby's vet gave us doggie anti anxiety meds for her, just a quarter pill does it. (Again, like disco days, who's got the Quaaludes?????) We went for a walk before sunset and found a fenced in dog run in the middle of the woods...and a golfing net. We're set for three days!!! Oh yeah, the pacific is across the street, too...
But today we drove about eight hours and have arrived on the O Coast - a Thousand Trails place called Whaler's Rest - across the 101 from the ocean. Hey, its cold here. Wow - a big change from Cali, baby... (and I mean you, baby!)
We'll tell you more about this place as we get to know it - we are here for three nights. We need to not be rattled around for a day or so.
So we have learned a few things about GPS: 1., if it wants you to turn around, just keep driving. It will come up with a new plan. 2., our GPS likes to find the smalled, skinniest, least like a road road and send us on it (especially if it is on a mountain top with cliffs and no shoulder or guard rails...yeah, its the shortest route. 3., GPS doesn't know, or won't tell us, if the "road" is in fact a road or something that may be a road if it doesn't rain or an actual interstate. To our GPS, it is all just a line we are supposed to drive on, the GPS doesn't care how good of a road it is - its just a line on a map - to the GPS.
Here's something I noticed while sitting at a small fire I built last night. It doesn't matter if I build a fire, everyone else has already built one so I'm gonna smell like a campfire no matter what. Like going to a bar in the eighties and not smoking. Why bother to deny yourself?
You, know, I still have flashbacks from Disco. I was my generation's Viet Nam. (I have the scars and nightmares, man)
So our dogs don't really like to travel in our RV. I think it shakes too much, makes too much noise and the widows are too high to see out of. Whoever doesn't drive has at least one of them on our lap. Ruby's vet gave us doggie anti anxiety meds for her, just a quarter pill does it. (Again, like disco days, who's got the Quaaludes?????) We went for a walk before sunset and found a fenced in dog run in the middle of the woods...and a golfing net. We're set for three days!!! Oh yeah, the pacific is across the street, too...
Its Night Three
First we want to thank all those who are following our adventure. The first night we spent at a Thousand Trails campground called Lake Minden, just north of Sacramento. It was late and we were tired... but in the moring the sun shone down on little (human made) Lake Minden. So calm, peaceful and oh so ... what's that? sounds like...Jet Ski races!!!!!!
We drove about five hours to our next stop. It was a park near Lassen Park - plenty of lava rock in the forrest. Its called Hat Creek and its near Old Station - yeah that Hat Creek. There was plenty of forrest and frankly too much nature for our little dogs, they would get easily eaten by an preditor... The place was remote, no cell service, but of course our sat dish worked great. We got an automatic thing...
Reiley, Ruby and me walked along Hat Creek and we did not see one hat (and many of you are aware of my fondness for hats). That is some big tree area up there in that lava strewn forrest of pines et al (No, Al wasn't there). This is the view from our site.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Ready to Launch!!!
We are now loading up the Landship Itasca, the HMS Cambria, or as we have come to call it Bubs on the Run actual. We are ready for an early morning launch (around 9 or so...not that early...)Anyway, they got a new frig for us and put it in today - wow -all that in one day- after only waiting eight days for that one day.
But I love it when stuff works...
We are excited and a little nervous. We just realized we have never been on vaction, traveling, for more than 25 nites at a time. And alone together that long, too...
Whatever adventure awaits, I hope it's more fun than anything else...
And I hope to show Ruby and Reiley how they did it in the Old West! (I'm not sure what it is...)
But I love it when stuff works...
We are excited and a little nervous. We just realized we have never been on vaction, traveling, for more than 25 nites at a time. And alone together that long, too...
Whatever adventure awaits, I hope it's more fun than anything else...
And I hope to show Ruby and Reiley how they did it in the Old West! (I'm not sure what it is...)
Thursday, July 8, 2010
A one day delay but will it be cool?
So right after I posted that last blog the RV repair guy called to say a new frig will come tomorrow and they can install it, but want to keep it over the weekend to make sure its cool.
I said you have one day to put it in and we leave, if it doesn't work - you do it again when we get back.
There is no competition for these bastards. They are the only RV repair in the valley and this is a warrenty job so they are in no rush... blah, blah, blah, bullshit. They have had it for a week and did nothing untill yesterday. Now they are shocked that we were serious when we told them we are leaving. I hate idiots who have power over my frig!
Anyway - we are skipping our first night's camp and going just north of Sacramento for our first night at a place that was scheduled to be our second night. It's about 8 hour drive but we can do it!!!
More details as they become available...
Is it cool yet?
I said you have one day to put it in and we leave, if it doesn't work - you do it again when we get back.
There is no competition for these bastards. They are the only RV repair in the valley and this is a warrenty job so they are in no rush... blah, blah, blah, bullshit. They have had it for a week and did nothing untill yesterday. Now they are shocked that we were serious when we told them we are leaving. I hate idiots who have power over my frig!
Anyway - we are skipping our first night's camp and going just north of Sacramento for our first night at a place that was scheduled to be our second night. It's about 8 hour drive but we can do it!!!
More details as they become available...
Is it cool yet?
Tomorrow the Land Ship Launches foe Our Adventure!
We have decided to go forward with our adventure even though the frig in the RV is not working. It will take weeks to fix it and we don't have that kind of time.
We are off and running... We've camped before and used coolers... how hard can it be?
Our house will be lived in by a friend of Kimberly's brother, so bring on the robbers, Brian is ready!
So far, we have stops booked up the coast, out east accross Wahington, Wyoming and South Dakato and then back in Wyoming and Nevada before we coast on home to Cali...
We're staying three nights on the coast of Oregon. Five nights at Cody (east of Yellowstone) and four nights in Deadwood. Look out Wild Wild West, Ruby and Reiley are a'commin.... Ye Haw!
We are off and running... We've camped before and used coolers... how hard can it be?
Our house will be lived in by a friend of Kimberly's brother, so bring on the robbers, Brian is ready!
So far, we have stops booked up the coast, out east accross Wahington, Wyoming and South Dakato and then back in Wyoming and Nevada before we coast on home to Cali...
We're staying three nights on the coast of Oregon. Five nights at Cody (east of Yellowstone) and four nights in Deadwood. Look out Wild Wild West, Ruby and Reiley are a'commin.... Ye Haw!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Our Plans So Far...
We have begun to finalize our plans for our trip to the "Old West and back."
We are planning on going up the 5 to Oregon, a place callled "Whaler's Rest" which Kim visited in her youth. It's on the coast and we're there for 3 nights. Then we cross Wahington and Idaho on the 90 east, and camp outside Butte Montanta (a place called Anaconda). From there, we go to Cody, Wyoming (about an hour east of the Yellowstone) and spend five nights there. We are planning on renting a car ("anyone can make a reservation, but can you hold a reservation?")
From Cody we go to Deadwood, South Dakota and explore the black hills for five days (we're getting a car in Grand Rapids). Then we pass through Cheyenne, Wyoming on the way to Reno and home.
So far, RV: $47K, Estmated Fuel for the trip: $2K, 25 nights with two little dogs and two Bubs... priceless.
We are planning on going up the 5 to Oregon, a place callled "Whaler's Rest" which Kim visited in her youth. It's on the coast and we're there for 3 nights. Then we cross Wahington and Idaho on the 90 east, and camp outside Butte Montanta (a place called Anaconda). From there, we go to Cody, Wyoming (about an hour east of the Yellowstone) and spend five nights there. We are planning on renting a car ("anyone can make a reservation, but can you hold a reservation?")
From Cody we go to Deadwood, South Dakota and explore the black hills for five days (we're getting a car in Grand Rapids). Then we pass through Cheyenne, Wyoming on the way to Reno and home.
So far, RV: $47K, Estmated Fuel for the trip: $2K, 25 nights with two little dogs and two Bubs... priceless.
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